Choose Your Path
We will be working through 3 strength progressions Tuesday. You will choose 1 depending on your level.
Option #1: Kipping Pull-Up
- Tap Swings Mastering the opening and closing of the shoulder joint while moving the body from the Hollow to Arch Positions
- Tap Swing + Pull Down + Knees Up Same as the tap swing, but add a bigger pull down on the bar and bring those knees up as you pull down. Think about slamming the hood of your car as you pull down on the bar.
- Tap Swing + Pull Down + Knees Up + Hip Pop + Pull to Bar (putting it all together) OR Banded Strict Chin Ups (if you need to work more on building strength)
Watch this for Full Video Demo
Option #2: Bar Muscle Up
- Hollow Hop-in + Kip : learning to jump into the hollow body really winds you up for some power at the start of this movement. These will be done as singles.
- Kipping Belly-to-Bar : many are falling short with this movement due to the inability to bring the bar to their belly (not their chest). Use a band if you need to so you are able to bring the belly button to the bar and build that lat strength needed for BMUs. Do singles if needed.
- 3-5 BMU or Banded Bar Muscle Ups
Ring Muscle-Up
For those that have mastered the Bar Muscle-Up and are learning the Ring Muscle Up, OR for those that have Ring Muscle Ups and are continuing to build strength through the movement