Mal O'Brien, Mat Fraser, Sammy Moniz, Jake Marconi
Mal, her parents, Jake, Mat Fraser, Sammy Moniz and Rob Kearney will be BACK for 22.3! I just saw the text from Mal's agent that read "That is the BEST COMMUNITY I have ever seen". So Let's bring the show!COME EARLY AND CHEER!
Let's bring some energy and wrap things up with a BANG!We will be sampling some of our newest products to include:
- Fuel for Fire
- Nooma Energy and Recovery Drinks
- Earth Fed Muscle Protein
- SFH Protein
We have Coffee and some REALLY good donut holes made by Mama B. If you wish to bring anything else, please do so!
The Board
The Mobility
- Banded Front Rack
- World's Greatest Stretch
- Calf Smash
The Warm-Up
Work-Out Details
The standards are different for each category. Please make sure you know what you are doing and confirm with your judge.VIEW HERE
Tie Breaker
This work-out has a TIE BREAKER. This is because so many people will end at the same place (not being able to get a pull-up, BMU etc). In order to break the tie, you MUST RECORD THE TIME ON THE CLOCK AT THE END OF EACH THRUSTER SET.