- Both athletes will leave for the run together. You don't need to stay together, but both athletes must return with Down Ups/Air Squats complete before beginning the 5 Rounds for time
- Every 100m you will stop and complete Down/Ups (the first run) and Air Squats (the second run)
- You will complete 5 Rounds (total) with one athlete working while the other one rests.
- You will go movement for movement... A1 KBC, A2 KBC - A1 BH, A2 BH - A1 HPC, A2 HPC - A1 SLVUP, A2 SLVUP = 1 ROUND
- After your second run (with Air Squats every 100m) you will AMRAP with the remaining time
Single Arm Kettlebell Squat Clean
Bar Hops
Hang Power Clean (HPC)
Single Leg V-Ups