The Board
The Met-Con
It's a PARTNER WOD!Divide the given reps however you would like between you and your partner. The goal is to get through the list as many times as you can in 32:00.Realize your game plan in how you divide the reps will most likely change from movement to movement. Play each other's strengths to get the job done. The goal is to keep the working athlete moving quickly.Athlete 1 works, while Athlete 2 rests.Reps stated are total.
- Deadlifts
- The deadlift weight will ask you to add weight to your bar and then remove weight from your bar for the Hang Power Cleans
- Burpees
- Hang Power Clean
- Be sure to remove weight from your bar for this movement.
- Air Squat
- Don't rush. Full depth and full hip extension at the top of the movement
- Double Unders
- We don't often do this, but because it's a partner WOD, we are giving the option to double the reps for single unders as a way to scale.