We will be streaming LIVE on Saturday at 9:00am! (meeting opens at 8:30am). See You There!JOIN HERE
The WOD:
- A great way to figure out your unmarked runs is to focus on time domains instead of distance. Will they be perfect? Nope! Does it matter? Nope! They will be easier for some of you to figure out though.
- 200m = 1 min of running (:30 out, ;30 back)
- 4000m = 2 min of running (1:00 out, 1:00 back)
- 600m = 3 min of running
- 800m = 4 min of running
- Between each rep: Tuck-Ups, Step-Ups (weighted for Rx/Per) and Shoulder to Overhead
- STOH reps will differ depending on the implement used (20 reps for barbell, 30 reps - 15 per side- for single sided dumbbell)
Weight Recommendations:
Rx:Barbell 95/75#, DB's 50/35# or KB or loaded back pack.Performance:Barbell 75/55#, 35/25# DBs or loaded back packFitness:Barbell 45/35# Barbell, 15/10# DBs or lightly loaded back pack
The Warm-Up