Class Suspension & At Home WOD: 3/17/2020

September 27, 2022
Class Suspension & At Home WOD: 3/17/2020

Effective Immediately:

We are choosing to be a part of the solution. For the health and safety of our Community, we will be shutting down all on site classes for the time being. Virtual group classes are coming soon! At home workouts are being programmed as we speak. Please stick together with us on this. We will get through if we remain strong together. As far as the Challenge goes, please stay tuned for details on that. Thank you all for your ongoing support at this time.

At Home Work-Outs & Virtual Classes

We will hosting virtual and 'at home' work-outs in an effort to get us all through this uncertain time. We ask for your participation in them! Here is a quick blurb on how we will be going about things over the next few days. Download the App 'Zoom' so you are ready to jump in at scheduled class times. Consider it one big conference call where we can see you, you can see us, and we can all push each other as we do day to day.

This is Just the Beginning

As we have more time to put things together, these WODs will get better and better each day! Here's the low down.....

At Home WOD Day 1: The Warm-Up (complete before Mobility)

12 Leg Swings Front to Back12 Leg Swings Side to Side6 Side Shuffle Touch Downsx 3 Rounds

At Home WOD Day 1: The Strength

Track #1:If you have access to a Barbell

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift3:00 loop - 3:30 loop for sets 3-2-1

Track #2: Body Weight or Dumbbell

20-18-16-14-12-10-8Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (with or without dumbbells/gallon jugs etc)Jumping Jacks10 reps (total) with 5 PulsesKick Backs

At Home WOD Day 1: The WOD

Track 1: If you have access to a barbell and weights at your house

Up Ladder For Time:

1/2 - 2/4 - 3/6 - 4/8 - 5/10 - 6/12 - 7/14 until 15/30SDLHP & BAR HOPS(For Example) 1 SDLHP, 2 Bar Hops - 2 SDLHP, 4 Bar Hops, 3 SDLHP, 6 Bar Hops - progress until reaching 15 SDLHP and 30 BHRx: 95/75# Performance: 75/55 Fitness: 55/25OR USE DUMBBELLS Rx: 35/25# Performance: 25/20 Fitness: 20/10#

Track 2: Minimal or No Equipment

Up Ladder For Time:

2/2 - 4/4 - 6/6 - 8/8 - 10/1o until 30/30Jug/Object/Broom Stick SDLHPOver Object Hops

Extra Work

Prisoner Good Mornings


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