The CrossFit Open Begins 2/24
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The Board
Station Day - 9:00 in each station - 4:00 to transition to the next
Station #1
As Many Reps as Possible in 9:00
- Burpee to Target perform a burpee then jump to touch the pull-up bar. If you are tall, use a higher bar.
- Chest to Bar Pull-Up (and scaling)
Station #2
As Many Reps as Possible in 9:00
- Row
- Wall Walks or Box Wall Walks
- We put a line on the floor that marks the hand target for Rxers. This was the 10 inch standard in last years Open. The standard states that both hands need to touch the line at the same time. Can be a finger, can be a palm... Any part of the hand.
- This standard is tough - performance folks, pick a distance that challenges you, but does not put you in danger.
Station #3
As Many Reps as Possible in 9:00
- Ball Over Shoulder
- Butt down, eyes Up! There are a lot of reps here and it if you round your back, its a silly reason to have a sore back the next day
- Push-Ups
- Performance will find they may do some reps from their toes, but as the reps get higher, drop to your knees or an elevated surface to keep your form on point.
The Finisher
Assault Bike Sprints aka Peak 8This will build your cardio endurance. 0:30 max effort followed by 1:30 recovery. Your recovery should be a slow pedal.