Friday 6/23/23

June 22, 2023
Friday 6/23/23

The Mobility

Wall Birthing

Barbell Quad Roll/Smash

The Warm-Up

9:00 working through the following movements

Lateral Lunges

Banded Side Steps

Monster Walk Backwards

Banded Glute Bridge

Banded Back Squat Build

The Strength

On a 2:30 Loop

Tempo Squats

Back Squat

Front Squat

The Met-con

As Many Double Unders As Possible

Following a 1:00 clock for 15 Rounds


Plyo Lunges

Double Unders

*Max DU on Minutes 1, 5, 10 and 15 after performing the deadlifts and plyo lunges

The Finisher

Dumbbell Hamstring Curl

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