Olympic Lifting
Our typical 'first Friday of the month' Olympic Lifting class will be held the second Friday of the month for July. We will meet on Friday 7/14 at 6:50pm and our focus will be the Snatch. Sign-up on Push Press!
The Mobility
The Warm-Up
8 minutes
Station 1
Strapless strokes
Station 2
- omit the push-up if they are difficult for you
Station Day!!!
8:00 In each station, 4:00 to transition to the next
Your coach will tell you what station to begin in
You will do one warm-up depending on what your start station is
Station #1
Cal Row
60 DU
- choose a smart double under scaling... options Include: single unders, penguins, mat hops
Station #2
10 T2B
- Keep practicing KIPPING UNBROKEN reps. Resort to Toe Raises and Knees above hips until you learn how to properly hold tension in this movement.
- TTB/KAH/Toe Raises
15/12cal Echo
- Rxers should try to use Echo bikes. If all are taken, do the math and convert calories to Assault Bike (they will be more).
Station #3
Lunge for meters
- Lunge down the road as far as you can for 8:00