The Board
The Mobility
The Warm-Up
The Strength
- We want you to choose a weight you can cycle through this complex in 0:45 or less, with good form.
- If you are new to CF, choose the 'Fit' track for your strength so you don't become overwhelmed with the number of movements being asked.
You will first perform an Up Ladder of Thrusters and Bar Hops. The Bar Hop number will remain 16 throughout the entire WOD, while the Thrusters will increase by 1.
- 1 Thruster, 16 Bar Hops - 2 Thrusters, 16 Bar Hops - - When you reach 8 Thrusters, 16 BH, you will then move to Back Squats and Bar Hops, starting again at 1/16.
ThrusterBar HopsBack Squat (BS)
The Second Strength