Monday FUNday: 2/28/22

September 27, 2022
Monday FUNday: 2/28/22

Monday Open Make-Up

Open Kick-Off

Open kick off was a huge success! We officially have 96 athletes registered, making this our biggest Open yet! Thanks for being a part of it with us!

Enter Your Scores

Enter your scores by 8pm Monday night! Enter scores HERE

The Board

The Mobility

The Strength

2:00 loop until you hit the singles, then - 3:00 rest between sets

The Met-Con

Move through this work-out at an AMRAP pace. We will only be recording your total calories on the Bike/Runner/Row/Ski station though. We realize this number will vary depending on implement used, but we wanted you to have a push to work hard.If the Incline benches get bottle necked, use a flat bench

The Finisher

Turkish Get-Up

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