The Board
If you don't have a vest, DON'T WORRY!!!!!!This WOD (and Murph) will be just as much of a challenge without one. Do not feel like you have to go out and buy a vest. If you have one, wear it for the first part of the work-out only.
The Mobility
The Warm-Up
The Met-Con
For many, this work-out will be an AMRAP. It will be scored by number of rounds complete.Trying to decide if you should wear a vest? Ask a Coach!
- If you are an Rx athlete 100% of the time, you can most likely wear a vest without problem.
- If you sometimes have to scale from Rx... If you cannot do 10 consecutive push-ups (full-range, good form).... If you cannot do 10 consecutive kipping pull-ups... DON'T WEAR A VEST! It is not needed.
- If you're a strong runner and want to wear it just for the runs, go for it.
- If don't have a vest, don't worry.... move extra fast and work hard. This work-out will still kick your butt!
How to break it Up?
Most often Murph is broken up into 2 different rep schemes. Choose the option that best suits you. Push-Ups are typically the movement that holds people up.Option #1
- 5 Pull-Ups (& Scaling
- 10 Push-Ups
- 15 Air Squats
or Option #2 (if push-ups will hold you back)
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 15 Air Squats
Performance & Fitness, scale push-ups to knees as needed.
The Strength/Finisher
Try and get at least 2 rounds of this in if you have time! It will help open up your chest after all the push-ups and pull-ups!
- Dumbbell Chest Press
- Set bench at incline
- Bent Over Reverse Fly
- Crossover Symmetry Ts