Gymnastics Progressions
- On Tuesday's we will bring work focusing on gymnastic type movements: Strict Pull-Ups, Kipping, Ring Rows, Muscle-Ups, Handstand Push-Ups etc.
- It is important to review the blog each Tuesday, as we will be running different 'strength' elements depending on where you fall. You must have an understanding before coming in.
- You need to find the focus that makes sense for you. The guideline will change depending on what we are working that day.
Level One
For those that DO NOT have strict pull-ups, or want to get stronger at strict pull-ups.
Level Two
For those that HAVE a strict or multiple strict pull-ups, but are lacking good kipping technique. This will help improve your kip, and kip strength, allowing you to string more reps together. Remember, strict before kipping is ALWAYS recommended. However, there are a few that fall in the gray area here and should consult with a coach if in question.
Level Three
HAVE strict Pull-Ups. HAVE Chest to Bar Pull-Ups. Can do at least 10 Kipping Pull-Ups unbroken.
The Board
The Mobility
Hollow Arch Progression: Coach Led
The Warm-Up
- Banded Lat Pull-Down
- working straight arm strength - be sure to choose a band that you do not need to lean into or use momentum to move.
- Banded Row
- most everyone should use a thin band for this.
- Scapular Pull-Ups
The Strength
- Active Hang
- Hollow/Arch (same as above)
- T-Spine Rotation
- Ring Rows
- Strict Pull-Up
- Tap Swings & Tap Swing Pulls
- Rig.Bar Pins
- Bench Pins
- Thruster
The Metcon
As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of:
The Finisher
- Farmer's Carry
- The video attached Is a single Kettle Bell carry. Using double KB's will allow you to stay a bit more level, but will still put a greater demand on your core.