Tuesday 11/24/20

September 27, 2022
Tuesday 11/24/20

NEW Apparel in time for the Holidays!

Camels Hump Meets 802


The Board

The Warm-Up

Each station will do the same 4 movements with a few station specific added on depending on where you begin. 5-6 minutes

Station #1: Bench Press


Station #2

Box Jump TechniqueHEREFocus on NOT jumping into a deep squat as you land on top of the box. Knees will be slightly bent.Step-UpTechnique HEREFocus should be driving through the foot on top of the box, and not pushing off of the foot on the floor.Double Under Technique HERECheck out some really easy double under tips before tomorrows WOD

Station #3

Push-Up Technique

https://youtu.be/kXrLAW0JaNABall Slam Technique HEREButt down, eyes up, flat back and SLAM

The Finisher


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