Tuesday 6/21/22

September 23, 2022
Tuesday 6/21/22

Please Vote For 802

Best Health Club/Gym and Best CrossFit Studio are two very big titles we'd like to own around here!���� Please take just seconds of your time and VOTE 802. Voting is live through 7/3 and we need your help!���� Tell your family, tell your friends!You only need to enter your email address to vote, and only need to vote for as many categories as you would like.Category: ServicesQuestion #33: Best Health Club/GymQuestion #37: Best CrossFit StudioVOTE HERE

The Board

The Mobility

The Warm-Up

In a TABATA format you will work for :20 and rest/transition for :10 for 9 minutes (3 rounds through movements)

The Met-Con

As Many Reps As Possible

1:00 Work, 0:20 Rest x 4 RoundsYou will have 1 score at the endYou will NOT SCORE the Bar Muscle Up, Chest to Bar, Pull-Up station as we are using this as a time to practice higher skilled movement.���� If you have Pull-Ups, focus on better technique (tight hollow/arch) etc.���� Maybe you use this as a time to 'attempt' something new.���� DO NOT practice failure over and over though.���� We don't want to make failed form habit building.

The Finisher


Per/Fit=Dumbbell Row

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