LIVE Zoom Classes
Streaming LIVE at 12:00 and 4:30pm Monday-FridayMeeting ID: 504-063-0477 Link HERE__________________________
Need Your Help
Please take an extra second when cleaning up after the WOD to help keep things clean, neat and organized
- Orange X's have been marked where each stack of plates should live. If there is no X, the plates do not go there.
- ONE stack, per weight category.
- Notice that the weight tree is also labeled and weights must be returned to the appropriate rung.
- Spray bottles, clips, pvcs etc. grouped together straightened and organized.
The Board
The Warm-Up
4 Rounds
The Strength
2:00 LoopBig sets to start so treat them as a warm-up. We will go directly into the first set upon completion of the warm-up.
- 3 minutes of work, 1 minute of rest for 4 rounds
- PICK UP WHERE YOU LEFT OFF for each working set.
The Finisher