- If you are a new member or interested in a Free Trial Class, please contact us by email (with received confirmation) before your first class.
- Review all COVID-19 Policies and Procedures HERE. You can also WATCH THIS VIDEO .
- If you have recently traveled out of State, or came to Vermont from a different State. You must abide by self-quarantine guidelines FOUND HERE.
- If you have traveled, YOU MUST WAIT ONE WEEK before getting tested.
The Board
The Warm-Up
The Strength
- Please be aware of your surroundings in the split jerk. PVC's/water bottles, bags... out of the way.
- No splitting sideways on mats if you are not in the center of the room. Pick your stations wisely if you are tall.
Be sure to feel the weight out you are going to use in the strength. Ideally you should choose a weight that you are able to string both Push Jerks together.
The Finisher