Tuesday 8/29/23

August 28, 2023
Tuesday 8/29/23

The Mobility

Kettlebell Calf Smash

Standing Calf Stretch

The Warm-up

9:00 working through the following movements

Lateral Lunges

Walk the Dog

Barbell  STOH Build

Wall Balls

The Met-con - Happy Birthday Coach!

Back in the day, when we were just a small CrossFit gym, when members had a birthday, we let them choose the movements they wanted to do in the WOD that day..... As expected, everyone that had a chance to do this filled their birthday WOD with all the movements they LOVED! Then came Tarkens birthday.... Instead of doing all the movements he loved, he decided to do movements he DID NOT love. Are we surprised?! So here is a WOD filled with running. And as most of you know, Tarken does not run in work-outs.... However, for the past 9 years, we have been doing this very same WOD in his honor. And no, it never gets easier.

However, we continue to show up, give it our best effort and celebrate the guy we call COACH! 

For time with a 40:00 Time Cap

800m Run

Bar Hops

600m Run

Barbell Shoulder to Overhead = Push Press or Push Jerk

400m Run

Prisoner Lunges = Reverse Lunges with your fingers laced behind your head.

200m Run

Wall Balls


Repeat the Round of 200/20




2022 Board Pic

The Finisher

SA OH Walk

Low Body Russian Twist

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