Wednesday 10/20/21

September 27, 2022
Wednesday 10/20/21

The Board

The Mobility

Lat Foam RollScapular Mobility (Foam Roll & Lax Smash)

The Warm-Up

Good Mornings (PVC)

The Strength

The Met-Con

As Many BACK SQUATS As Possible:You will work for 1:00, then have 1:00 restYou must complete Sumo Deadlift High Pulls and Bar Hops, THEN with all time remaining in the 1:00, move the bar to the back rack position and do as many back squats as you can.To move the bar to the back rack...Clean the bar to your shoulders, give it a dip drive (push press) over your head and bring the bar down to your shoulders.DO NOT ditch the barbell off your back at the end of the minute. Dip drive it back to the front, then return the bar to the floor.

The Finisher

Swiss Ball Leg Curls

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