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- Review all COVID-19 Policies and Procedures HERE. You can also WATCH THIS VIDEO .
- You will be required aCOVID19 802 WAIVERbefore your first class.
- If you have recently traveled out of State, or came to Vermont from a different State. You must abide by self-quarantine guidelines FOUND HERE.
- If you have traveled, YOU MUST WAIT ONE WEEK before getting tested.
The Board
*See past 'Nancy' Boards below. This WOD was adjusted a bit for Performance and Fitness, as well as the overall time cap. See how you did last time in order to give you an idea of what to do this year.
The Warm-Up
The Strength
- Focus on a big drive of the legs through the Hang Power Snatch.
- Keep the weight in the heels as long as possible.
- Shoulders should be behind the bar in full extension.
- As always, if you have limitations, you can clean and front squat instead of snatch.
- This one is harder than it looks, namely because 15 is A LOT of OHS! Do not underestimate it.
- BREAK THE OHS BEFORE FAILURE OR BAD FORM. You will want to get greedy and not set the bar down, which often leads to bars flying off your mat, and less than impressive form. Don't let it happen.
- STAY TIGHT on the OHS. Naval drawn in, tight core, push that bar up to the ceiling hard and commit to each rep. Run hard!
The Finisher