20.4 - 11/1/19

September 27, 2022
20.4  - 11/1/19

20.4 Is...

A lot of Box Jumps, some clean and jerks, and single leg (pistol squats)At the end of the day, it's either going to be the heavier clean and jerks or the pistols that slow you down.This workout is long enough that you're going to eventually get to a barbell that stops you. So a key here is to try to conserve your energy enough to still be able to execute on the reps that are heavy for you.

20.4 CrossFit Open: Clean & Jerks

At the lighter weight bars, stick with power cleans into a quick jerk. As the barbell starts to get heavier, try switching to a split jerk if that's easier for you.For the heaviest barbells, depending on what you're stronger at (squat vs. power) switch to what will give yourself the best shot.Be sure to VIEW ALL STANDARDS HERE before coming in on Friday. There are some things you will want to know ahead of time.https://youtu.be/zcqqv2BBipg

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