Back Squat 1 Rep Max:

September 27, 2022
Back Squat 1 Rep Max:

Back Squat 1 Rep Max

We will begin a Squat Program after the Holidays, but need to lock in on some numbers before that begins. Our Squat Program will be based on your max loads of back squat and front squat. FOR THOSE THAT HAVE BEEN GOING AT THIS AWHILE NOW....You will most likely be a little rusty and not meeting OR exceeding your previous 1 RM's. BE SMART. Load the bar with weight that feels good right now. Not with weight you had on the bar after our last squat program. Get a number based on your abilities right now, and we will build on it.

Weightlifting Strength Standards

I found a website that I wanted to share. THIS SITE takes millions of 1 RM entries based on bodyweight and lets you know where you stack up against averages. The categories below are listed and are cool to take a look at.

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