When: Saturday 12/10 6:00-9:00 (ish)
Where: 16 Deer Crossing Lane, Essex Junction (Kevin and Sarah Mulcahey's home)
Who: Family and children are welcome, please join us!
This work-out begins on the rower. Athlete 1 will row 300 meters while Athlete 2 rests. You will go back and forth until 6 rounds are complete. Consider this a nice little warm-up.
When your row is complete, you will move to 14 rounds of
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch (DB HPS)
Athlete 1 will work through the entire list while A2 rests. Rounds should be no more than 1:00
You will do all SDLHP on the right side, directly into HPS on the right side, then switch and do all reps on left side.
When 14 total rounds are complete, head back to the rower and complete the row for a second time.
To buy yourself out of this work-out, complete 100 ball slams total. A1 works, A2 rests.