Fitness Friday 9/8/22

September 8, 2022
Fitness Friday 9/8/22


OH Foam Roll

Hamstring Smash (Box Lax Ball)


Phelps Swings

Down Dog Push Back


8-10 Rounds following a 2:00 Clock

Set 1 you will do OHS, rest

Set 2 you will do DL, rest

Alternating back and fourth (aim for 5 rounds of each)

Stimulus: Moderate weights done with speed on concentric (up) and control on eccentric (down). Building power/strength. If you want more weight, slow the movement down first. We would like to see athletes settle in with their weight around rounds 4 and 5.

Overhead Squat (from rig)


Active Rest:

TTB/KAH/Toe Raises

Tap Swings/Tap Swing Pulls


You will work your way down the list, completing 3 rounds of each section, then moving onto the next. Your goal is to make it through 3 rounds of each couplet in less than 16:00

3 Rounds

Overhead Squat


3 Rounds

Front Squat

Toes to Bar

3 Rounds

Back Squat (BS)


5:00 Flush

Purpose: Lactic Acid Flush

1:30 rest post Met-Con

1:30 SLOW row or run

2:30 MODERATE row or run


Tire Flips

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