Friday 6/16/23

June 15, 2023
Friday 6/16/23

The Mobility

Banded Wrist Traction

Banded Lat Stretch (Standing)

The Warm-Up

Warm-up and Coach-led:

4 Rounds:



Gravel Run

Coach-led movement each round:

Round 1- Clean Deadlift

Round 2 - Hang Power Clean (HPC)

Round 3 - Clean

Round 4 - Split Jerk

The Strength

On a 2:30 and a 3:00 Loop for 7 Rounds

Clean Deadlift

Hang Power Clean (HPC)


Front Squat (from the floor)

Split Jerk

The Met-con

3 Rounds on a 1:15 Clock:

Alternating between Row and Run

And then in the time remaining on the clock:

As many Cleans as possible

REST 2:30 and repeat another 3 rounds

The Finisher

Shrugs (w/ DB)

Skull Crushers

EZ Bar Curls

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