Today, is the one and only, Tarken Chase's Birthday!
For those of you joining us on 8/29 for the very first time, get ready for this 'fun-filled' Birthday WOD!
Back in the day, when we were just starting out, we used to let members come up with a WOD to do on their birthday... These WOD's were always filled with an individuals favorite movements, or things they were really good at...
Then comes Tarken.
To be a rebel, he decided to come up with a WOD filled with something he didn't like at all. Hence, a WOD, filled with RUNNING!
We have probably done this work-out for about 7 or 8 years straight and this year will be no different. So put your party hats on and join us Monday!
This WOD has a long time cap. We are going to keep board brief very short, assuming you read the details below, and let you jump right into the warm-up. Please review the movements and layout below. If you have questions or need modifications, let the coach know asap during the warm-up.
BB --> Wod weight STOH (Push Jerk)
Light --> Wod weight Wall Balls
8/29/21 REPEAT
Down, up ladder with a 40:00 time cap.
You will try to get down the list then go all the way back up under the time cap.
Rx=30/20, Per=20/14, Fit=12/10
*The volume of these movements is a lot. Make sure you are completing full range of motion and keeping good form as you are going through the workout