Work on perfecting the Clean & Jerk with our Olympic Lifting class on Friday night! This class will run the first Friday of every month, alternating between C & J and Snatch technique. Join us!
Our nutrition challenge begins SOON! 4 weeks of ADDING better habits to our lives! More veggies, more protein, more water, more activity! Not overly strict, just a great extra push right before the warm summer months ahead! SIGN-UP HERE!
The Mobility
The Warm-up (Coach Led)
PVC Thrusters
The Strength
On a 2:00 loop then on a 2:30 loop
The Met-con
Death By (1:00 work until failure)
Single Arm DB Thrusters
Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch (DB HPS)
*You will start at 2 in order to do one on each side for each of the movements. You will have 1:00 to get through those reps and each round, it will increase by 2 reps each time. So you will do 2 SA DB Thrusters then 2 SA DB HPS, then the next round 4, then 6, 8, ... etc. Once you cannot get through the reps in the minute, the death by is complete.
The Finisher