Regular Schedule Resumes: 2/26/20

September 27, 2022
Regular Schedule Resumes: 2/26/20

We are back, slightly bronzed and definitely missed you all! We had an AWESOME time in Miami and we couldn't be more proud of our Team! What an experience, to say the least! Thank you all for your patience in adjusting to the schedule and making Keith and Jen's debut Coaching a success!

Regular Schedule Resumes on Wednesday

We will be coasting through hump day with a repeat WOD! I remember it.... Do you???? Don't underestimate those Power Snatches. They set this work-out up to get SPICY really quick!*One thing to note.... We have recently increased the female Performance weight to #25... If you would like a true repeat, you can use the 20# DB if you would like, or challenge yourself and up it to 25#.

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