Saturday 2/27/21

September 27, 2022
Saturday 2/27/21

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We have a private FaceBook Page for 802 Members where daily Board Pics and other on the spot info is shared? If you'd like to join, follow THIS LINK or search '802 CrossFit Members'

The Board

Station Day! 9:00 in each station - 4:00 to transition to the next

The Warm-Up

You will only do one warm-up depending on what your start station isDynamic Hip Opener

Station #1

Back Squats - 3 Reps every 1:30* record heaviest set

Station #2

Conditioning - Max Cal Sprints - 0:30 ON 0:30 OFF x 9 RoundsEasily the most common error we see on the rower.From the finish position, to the catch position, when the recovery stroke isnt sequenced properly, the next drive stroke is affected. If the sequencing is wrong on every stroke, the entire duration of that rowing session is wrought with imperfections and inefficiencies.Proper Sequence: Finish the pull. Arms Straight. THEN bend your knees. Notice the catch position (or when the chain is closest to the machine). His seat is back so the hips are behind the shoulders. His seat is not at his feet which results in a weak leg drive. Think about it like a Deadlift.

Station #3

9:00 Single Leg V-Up - Up LadderYour Wall Balls and Reverse Lunges will remain the same each round - your SLVups go up by 2 each roundYour Wall Ball sets should be one in which you can go unbroken onFor Example (Rx):

The Finisher

Pistol Squats or Deep Step-Up with a 0:60 Row/Bike/Ski between sets

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