Thursday 1/20/22

September 27, 2022
Thursday 1/20/22

Open Gym THIS Sunday!

CrossFit Open Tee Shirts ORDERS ARE DUE SUNDAY 1/23


The Board

9:00 in each station ~ 4:00 to transition to the next.

The Mobility

T-Spine Wall Extension

The Warm-Up

You will do one warm-up depending on what your start station is. Pay attention to what station is coming next and why you may have some of those movements sprinkled into your warm-up.Wall Slides

Station #1

Instead of flinging yourself up over the pull-up bar however you can to achieve Rx, take this time to pick a rep range that makes sense for you. Use this time to practice our Tuesday gymnastic skills (TIGHT Hollow/Arch) and see your strength continue to develop.9:00 As Many Reps as Possible

Station #2

Station #3

The video below shows the Double Dumbbell Chest Press on a flat bench. We will be working the same movement with the bench set to a 45 degree angle.

The Finisher

Palloff Press

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