No Free Trial Thursday
We will resume 5/4
The Mobility
Hamstring Smash (Box Lax Ball)
The Warm-Up
For 6:00
Monster Walk Forward and Backwards
Tempo Back Squat (BS) Build
The Strength
On a 2:30 Loop
Tempo Back Squat (BS)
3 Seconds on the way down-1 second in the hole -1 second to the top -2 seconds at the top
- Tempo is a great way to work time under tension rather than loading the body with a huge amount of weight. Make sure you are keeping the tempo through each of the reps!
The Met-Con
As Many Rounds/Repetitions and Calories as Possible in 24:00 with a Partner
Athlete 1:
Athlete 2:
- Max calories on rower
The Finisher