Tuesday Gymnastics Program
Choose the category you fall under and only watch the videos for that focus.
- Level One
- For those that DO NOT have strict pull-ups, or want to get stronger at strict pull-ups.
- Level Two
- For those that HAVE a strict or multiple strict pull-ups, but are lacking good kipping technique. This will help improve your kip, and kip strength, allowing you to string more reps together. Remember, strict before kipping is ALWAYS recommended. However, there are a few that fall in the gray area here and should consult with a coach if in question.
- Level Three
- HAVE strict Pull-Ups. HAVE Chest to Bar Pull-Ups. Can do at least 10 Kipping Pull-Ups unbroken
The Board
NEW movements are in BOLD
The Mobility/Warm-Up (All Levels)
NEW movements are in BOLD
- Thread the Needle
- Powel Raises
- Banded Row
- most everyone should use a thin band for this.
- Scapular Pull-Ups (Level One)
- Tap Swing + Rag
- Tap Swing Pulls
- T-Spine Rotations
Level One
Level Two
Level Three
Little bit of a different format this week. You will do 3 rounds of the first part. This will warm you up for some full bar muscle ups at the end.
- Jumping BMU
- Wall Walks
- Hollow to Arch (Rollover)
- Banded BMU or BMU We want these to be good reps, not failed reps repeatedly. No chicken wings. We are looking to practice all the straight arm pulling mechanics you've been working on. It is also an opportunity to put it all together. If you have never done a BMU try banded first.
The Met-Con
As Many Kettlebell Swings As PossibleFollowing a 3:00 clock, you will row, KB HPC, DU, KBS, DU and then go back to the Kettlebell and complete as many swings as possible in the remainder of that 3:00.You must be back on the rower by the time the clock starts for the next roundYour row cannot exceed 1:00 otherwise the next heat will not have enough time to get situated before they begin.Leave yourself enough time to get back to the rower between rounds.