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The Board
- Station Training: 9 minutes in each station - 4 minutes to clean/transition.
- You will only do one warm-up depending on where you will begin
The Warm-Up
Station #1: Back Squats
- Working full range of motion to a heavy set of 5 reps
Station 2 & 3
- The clock will beep every minute on the minute.
- Station #2: Perform 14 Plate Lunges (stepping onto the plate), 14 V-Taps, and with the time remaining, perform as many plate hops as possible. When the timer beeps at the end of the minute, start back up at the top of the list with lunges again. Score = total plate hops.
- Station #3: Row the given calories, then with time remaining each minute, do as many d-ball bear hold squats as possible. Score = dball sqauts
- Take an extra second in both stations to write down your numbers so you don't forget.
The Finisher
Banded Side Steps (see warm-up)Monster Walks VIEW HEREGlute Bridges VIEW HERE