Tuesday 3/14/23

March 13, 2023
Tuesday 3/14/23

The Mobility

The Warm-Up

For 8-9:00 work through the following movements

Tempo Banded DL Activates

Toe Touch Low

High Knee Out/In

Low Shifting Squats

Strapless Row

The Strength

For 15:00, 6 Rounds on a 3:00 Loop

Tempo Sumo Deadlift

Active Rest= Burpee Alternating Dumbbell Clean and Jerk

Easy Push-ups

The Met-Con

As Many Rounds/Repetitions As Possible in 12:00



Burpee Alternating Dumbbell Clean and Jerk


:60 Rest

2:00 PVC Deadlift, Burpees, Jumping Jacks

3:00 Row

The Finisher

Barbell Glute Bridges

Bicycle Crunch

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