Tuesday 4/11/23

April 10, 2023
Tuesday 4/11/23

The Mobility

The Warm-Up


Good Mornings (PVC)

PVC Windmill

Banded DL Activates

Deadlift Build


5:00 coach-led piece on the fast deadlift

The Strength

On a 3:30 min Loop

7 Rounds of:

Tempo Deadlift  (3 seconds down -0 at the bottom -1 second at the top -2 seconds at the top)

Directly into:

Fast Deadlift


Calorie row with drag factor of 135 (find what your drag factor is, then keep that damper setting)

The Met-Con

As Many Tuck Ups As Possible following a 1:00 Clock

5 Rounds of:


Double Unders

4 Rounds of:


Double Unders

3 Rounds of:


Double Unders

*After completing the specified reps in the round, you will do tuck-ups in the time remaining.

The Finisher

Death March

Planks and Side Planks

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