Memorial Day
Murph Prep has come to a close and now it's time to put your work to the test. Class schedule is LIVE for this coming Saturday with Heats beginning at 8am.For those that cannot attend Saturday, you will have a second chance to get this work-out done on Monday, Memorial Day between 8-10:00am at Open Gym.
The Board
The Mobility
The Warm-Up
The Strength
- You are going to go through list of movements for 20 minutes total.
- You will work for :30 on one of the cardio implements, then go to the next movement. Change up your implement for some variation!
- Single Leg RDL (DB/KB)
- If this is too challenging, you can choose to do Regular RDL's with 2 feet on the ground at all times.
- Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch ( DB HPS)
- Keep HPS LIGHT! They are there to loosen up your shoulders from Monday's Murph Prep.
- Deadlift
- Again, keep them light. They are here to warm you up for METCON, not to tax the muscles too much.
- Windshield Wipers
- You should be able to use the same weight for DL and the windshield wipers.
The Met-Con
As Many Rounds/Reps as Possible in 13:00
- At 1:00 mark and every 3:00 after you will row.
- Don't forget where you left off when you have to stop and row. This is where you will pick back up.
- Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDLHP)
- Bar Hops
- Starfish