Tuesday 5/9/23

May 8, 2023
Tuesday 5/9/23

Open Gym

Open Gym this Sunday 5/14 from 9-11am

The Mobility

Scapular Mobility (Foam Roll & Lax Smash)

The Warm-Up

7:00 working through the following movements


Lunge, Reach, Touch, Stretch


Lateral Lunges

Reverse Grip Barbell Bent Over Row

Reverse Grip Romanian Deadlift

The Strength

On a 2:30 Loop

7 Rounds of:

*For both the BB Row and RDL, stand the bar up, then hinge into your first rep.

Reverse Grip Barbell Bent Over Row

Reverse Grip Romanian Deadlift

Strapless Strokes on Rower

Active Rest - DB Sumo DL High Pull/ Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch (DB HPS) or Kettlebell Hang Power Snatch

The Met-Con

As Many Calories as Possible

On a 1:30 Loop

Kettlebell Hang Power Snatch

Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDLHP)

**As many calories on rower in remaining time

You will do 5 Rounds of Work, then rest 1:30, then do 4 rounds of work, then done!

The Finisher

Partial Turkish Get-Up

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