- If you are a new member or interested in a Free Trial Class, please contact us by email (with received confirmation) before your first class.
- Review all COVID-19 Policies and Procedures HERE. You can also WATCH THIS VIDEO .
- You will be required aCOVID19 802 WAIVERbefore your first class.
- If you have recently traveled out of State, or came to Vermont from a different State. You must abide by self-quarantine guidelines FOUND HERE.
- If you have traveled, YOU MUST WAIT ONE WEEK before getting tested.
The Board
The Warm-Up
Each time you go through the warm-up, be sure to add weight to your bar.
The Strength
- If you are new to CrossFit, you will be doing 3 reps. If you know your 1 rep max, shoot to BUILD towards 85%.
- DO NOT LOAD TO 85% on your first set. You have plenty of rounds to build to that by using the first few rounds as more of a warm-up.
Take a few minutes before the wod to warm-up your hang power cleans!
- A nice steady grind.
- Be sure to change your grip on the bar after the hang power cleans into the sumo dead lifts.
- Make the Star Fish B-U-R-N and hussle through them.
The Finisher
New movement for many. Think core stability and deliberate movement.