Tuesday 9/5/23

September 4, 2023
Tuesday 9/5/23

The Mobility

Banded Lat Stretch (1/2 Kneeling)

Banded Front Rack

The Warm-up

9:00 (2 rounds) working through the following movements

Monster Walk (band on ankles)

Glute Bridge(band on knees)

Banded Air Squats (band on knees)

The Strength

Closing out out squat program with a front squat 1RM! Lets finish this program off strong!

Front Squat (from rig)

The Met-con

As Many Rounds/Repetitions As Possible in 16:00

Ab Mat Sit-Up (AMSU)

Baby Seal Walking Lunge

*You will lunge out 6 lunges then drop your baby seal, on the 10th round, you will then head back to the garage doors

The Finisher

Suitcase Carry

Oblique Crunch

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