Wednesday 10/11/23

October 10, 2023
Wednesday 10/11/23

Saturday & Sunday 10/14 & 10/15

Our facility will be closed this coming weekend for a CrossFit Level 2 seminar. We will not be holding any classes. Sorry for the inconvenience! 

The Mobility

The Warm-up

6:00 working through the movements

Side to Side Rock


Wall Slides

Alternating Toe Touches

The Strength

Every Minute on the Minute for 16:00

  1. Strict Pull-Up
  2. Ring Rows
  3. Strokes Damper 8-10 @ 24 SPM or less
  4. Bike

The Met-con

Chipper!!! With a 20:00 Time Cap

With the following movements



Reverse Lunge

Chest to Bar Pull-Up


*The run distance and reps increase until the end of the chipper

The Finisher


Alternating DB Curls

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