Wednesday 2/24/21

September 27, 2022
Wednesday 2/24/21

Thoracic Mobility Work-Shop

Your thoracic spine is an area we see most people are very ineffective at moving. This area should be mobile and easy to move, but few people are that. If you don't have good thoracic mobility, then you need to compensate other areas when trying to get into a good position with your arms overhead.


Wednesday: The Board

The Mobility

Chest OpenerStanding Quad StretchBone Saw Calf Smash

Station #1

5 sets, 5 reps on a 2:00 loop

Station #2

Station #3

5 Rounds at higher reps, final 4 rounds reps decrease

Double Under Tips...

The Finisher

4 x 20(optional)

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