The Mobility
Couch Stretch
The Warm-Up
8:00 working through the following movements
- Belly up and belly down
Toe touch Low and High
:30 Mono or Step-Ups
Ball Over Shoulder Build, Wall Walk Build or Suitcase Carry Test Run
Station Day!
8:00 Stations with a 3:00 Transition
Station 1
Up Ladder
1,2,3,4,5…… and so on
Calorie Bike
1 cal on the bike, 1 BOS, 2 cals on the bike, 2 BOS and so on....
Station 2
Up ladder
1,2,3,4,5…..and so on
Same rep scheme as above
Station 3
10m, 20m, 30m, 40m…….. and so on
Calorie Row
- Row stays the same the entire work-out, your suitcase carry will be the only thing that changes
Suitcase Carry
- You will carry 1 KB out to the 5m mark and back for a total of 10m. Row again, then walk the KB out 10m and back for a total of 20m, and so on....
The Finisher
Single Arm DB OH Walk
Suitcase Carry