Ready to Run Seminar
If you are plagued with running related pain, and find this movement extremely difficult, sign yourself up for our Ready to Run Seminar on Wednesday, 5/8 at 5:40pm. Free for all 802 members.
- Keith White and Kim Lord will lead you through mobility drills, warm-up and teach/analyze form and technique of all runners.
- Sign-Up on Push Press
Open Gym
This Sunday! A great opportunity to work on skills you don't have time for during the week (handstand push-ups, rope climbs, pull-up technique etc). Please don't use this as a time to do a crazy WOD off the internet. Use it as a time to refine your skills or make up a WOD you missed earlier in the week!
The Mobility
The Warm-up
For 10:00
- Corkscrews
- High Knee Out/In
- Starfish
- Tap Swings
- Rope Knee to Elbows -> Pins -> Climbs (Pulls)
- Air Squats -->Dumbbell Thruster
- Single unders --> Double Unders
- Step-Ups --> Box Jumps
The Met-Con
Our ropes are grippy and will leave a mark (and blood) if you're not wearing protection. If you want to climb the rope you must have shin protection, or a long sock.
As Many Rounds/Repetitions As Possible in 28:00
1:00 ON - 0:45 Rest x 4
- (Rope Pulls Fitness)
- Pin Rope on Pull-Up Bar