Free Trial Thursday 5/18/23

May 17, 2023
Free Trial Thursday 5/18/23


Free Trial Thursday attendees will focus mainly on THE WORK-OUT description and videos to go with it below. We will guide you through the warm-up and go over the work-out details when the rest of the class is doing THE STRENGTH session of the class.

All work-outs will be scaled to meet individual need and abilities, no matter your current level of fitness..

All questions will be answered when you arrive!

The Mobility

Banded Hamstring

The Warm-up

8:00 Working through the following movements

Lunge, Reach, Touch, Stretch


Banded DL Activates

Sumo Deadlift Build weight

The Strength

6 Rounds on a 3:00 Loop

Sumo Deadlift

Death March

Active rest= 0:20 Bike or Kettlebell Swing build

The Met-con

5 Rounds On A 1:00 Rolling Clock

Minute 1: Max Calorie Row

Minute 2: Max Repetitions of Kettlebell Swings

Minute 3: Max Burpees Over KB

(burpee on one side of the KB, laterally hop over the KB, and do another burpee on the other side)

Minute 4: Rest

*You will have a score for each movement. Total Row, Total KBS, total BOKB

The Finisher

Barbell Glute Bridges

Low Body Russian Twist

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