Congratulations Winners
Give these 5 ladies a BIG CONGRATULATIONS for finishing our 800 gram Challenge with a PERFECT score over the course of our 6 Week Challenge!
Links To Sign-In to Tuesday Live Classes
Meeting ID number: 504-063-0477
- NO 8:00AM - Until we find a time that works better for you, we have removed 8am from our Tuesday/Thursday LIVE schedule.
- 12:00PM THIS LINK Password: 802
- 4:30PM THIS LINK Password: 802
- 5:45PMTHIS LINK Password: 802
The Warm-Up
The Strength
- Loading options: Barbell, Dumbbell (3-5 reps on each side), Loaded Backpack (be sure to secure load with towel)
- Rep range is dependent upon what you have for available weight - if light, do 5 reps, if you have ample weight do 2.
- Barbell Loading: Rx=95/75, Performance=75/55, Fitness= 45/20
- Dumbbell Loading (7 reps each side) : Rx= 50/35, Performance= 35/25, Fitness= 20/10
- Rest 1:00 between every round and go hard during working sets. Earn the rest!
The Finisher