What is The CrossFit Open?
The CrossFit Open is a worldwide CrossFit Competition for ALL levels. The best of the best down to the newest members all complete the same work-out each week within their gym, or at home. Why is it a big deal? Because it brings our Community together like no other. Spirits and energy levels are through the roof, and it truly is a magical time. So many people PR or do something they didn't think was possible during this time. That is the magic of the Open.What's different this year?
- The CrossFit Open Begins March 11th and will be 3 weeks instead of 5.
- They added another division called Foundations, which is PERFECT for those that have been too challenged or frustrated with the advanced ability of their 'scaled' category in years past.
- Last year we held 'Friday Night Lights' where we encouraged as many people as possible to come and cheer people on. This year, we cannot do that, but will do the WODs all day Friday in class. We will also be opening our Sunday Open Gym slot back up for 3 weeks as an opportunity to get the WODs done.
- To register, it's $20 with CrossFit, not 802... You can sort the leaderboard here and track your progress over the years. NO, you don't have to sign-up to participate at 802, it's just a little more fun if you do! Those that sign-up get a score keeper, a score sheet, results logged to track progress, and a little more stake in the game. That stake in the game is often what pushes people to achieve more than they thought they were able. We've been doing this for 7 years....Trust us, it's worth it to sign-up!
The Board
The Warm-Up
The Strength
BIG Sets here, adding up to a lot of volume. Your focus is not on max loading, but instead, speed and explosiveness. Use those hamstrings and glutes as you fire that bar up!https://youtu.be/sd4AfRKBWNA
So much time to work on that SDLHP form!!! POP THEN PULL is the name of the game with these! Get your timing down and you will find this movement so much more enjoyable :)https://youtu.be/JfGe1MObzD8
The Finisher