Squat Program
Once you have your 1RM back and front squat, you will plug it into the spread sheet below.���� PRINT it out and bring it with you to the gym for Monday 6/13. Having these numbers handy will be super helpful for the upcoming weeks!Download Program Squat Program HERE
The Board
The Mobility
The Warm-Up
:20 on :10 off for 4:00. This is a general warm-up because the strength will be light movements and like an extended warmup.
The Strength
- This strength is like an extended warmup and the movements are meant to be LIGHT.
- One BB will be used for the ENTIRE complex, so pick a weight you can do for all movements. No more weight than 115/95#
- Barbell Bent Over Row (Reg & Rev)
- Stand all the way up with the BB first, THEN hinge at the hips, then go into the BB row.
- Clean Deadlift (CDL) When picking up the BB for the clean DL, we are trying to get into the best position possible for a clean as if we are going to lift 200 lbs. The butt is lower than a traditional DL.
- In the Hang Power Clean (HPC), there is pause in the catch. This is a way to force us to get underneath the bar, settle beneath the weight, then stand up without cycling fast.
The Met-Con
For Time 16:00 Time Cap
You will complete all of the movements in the list one time as fast as you can, within the 16:00 time cap. If you cannot complete this list in the time cap, score will be total reps complete.After completing the strength, you are PUSHING HARD! This is where you put the work in and grind to the finish.
- Sumo Deadlift High Pull(SDLHP)
- Bar Hops
- Hang Power Clean (HPC)
- Double Unders (Unbroken for Rx!) Performance category is not unbroken