Tuesday 8/1/23

August 1, 2023
Tuesday 8/1/23

The Mobility

Banded Front Rack

Lat Foam Roll

The Warm-up

2 Rounds

Back Rack Press/Push Press

PVC Narrow Front to Backs

PVC Circles

PVC Strict Press


Then in the remaining time until 8:00...

Calf Raises

Barbell Strict Press

The Strength

On a 3:00 Loop

Strict Press




With Active Rest= 0:30 Row or Run (alternate each round) and 10-20 Single/ Double Unders

The Met-con

12:00 Up Ladder

Shoulder to Overhead --> You can complete the shoulder to overhead doing a push jerk or a push press, but we recommend a push-jerk to save your shoulders in the larger sets



Ab Mat Sit-Up (AMSU)

Double Unders


*The only movement that is changing rep scheme is the STOH, the AMSU and the DU stay the same.

*So you will do 2 STOH, then 5 AMSU, then the set number of DU. Then 4 STOH, 5 AMSU, DU again and so on...

The Finisher

Landmine Wood Chop

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